Hey! Yeah, a few of them did. Batter Blaster worked thru a bunch of capital and then sustained itself for a few years. Rhapsody had multiple venture rounds. Depended on the business and the timeframe. It’s obviously much harder to get past the seed stage - or even into the seed stage - these days.
Thoroughly enjoyed yer memory lane Nick, reminds me of the old Norwegian adage, the pen is mightier than the fjord. P.S just out of curiosity, did any of the biz you ever work for get past "seed stage" or whatever VC call it, and survive to thrive in late stage crapitalism? - signed public sector employee
Hey! Yeah, a few of them did. Batter Blaster worked thru a bunch of capital and then sustained itself for a few years. Rhapsody had multiple venture rounds. Depended on the business and the timeframe. It’s obviously much harder to get past the seed stage - or even into the seed stage - these days.
Thoroughly enjoyed yer memory lane Nick, reminds me of the old Norwegian adage, the pen is mightier than the fjord. P.S just out of curiosity, did any of the biz you ever work for get past "seed stage" or whatever VC call it, and survive to thrive in late stage crapitalism? - signed public sector employee